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Baby Oil Marathon | MeganQt | Princess Blueyez

two teen girls and a bottle of Baby Oil

This sexy set of MeganQt and Princess Blueyez includes 253 photos, 106 outtakes, 2448 webcam screenshots, 75 animated gifs, and 5 videos available to view online or download.

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This set starts at 11:02 pm with Megan and Cass trying to make electrical tape thongs and nipple pasties in the bathroom. They were applying the tape to each other, whispering, and giggling. This took forever, so I had Triple AAA go back there and put the video camera on the floor. This way, we could at least hear what was going on. You get fifteen minutes of that. Some of you will like it and some of you won't, don't worry though. We shot this set for a little over an hour and a half. The last photo I took was at 12:38 am.

Death of p-f

So they finally came out of the bathroom with these black and shiny electrical tape thongs on, with X's over their nipples! I thought I had died and went to heaven. MeganQt and Princess Blueyez were showing the most skin that I have ever seen from either of them. Both of them, right there, at the same time, and right before my eyes! Putting the final nail into my coffin was Cass's gorgeous all-natural C-cup baby feeders hanging in their natural state, with no bra and no goddam hand-overs!

Plan B, or Plan Booty, or Plan Both?

The girls started with the baby oil and tape, yeah right. This lasted for about 10 minutes. Then black stuff started leaking from the tape and started to undo itself from the baby oil. Onto plan B, they put on a black thong and bra, and we got back to it. Cass took a bit longer to change, so while we waited, a song came on, and Megan got her booty dance groove on. Fuck! That girl has incredible booty bouncing, popping, shaking, whatever you want to call it SKILLS. I could watch her twerk for a long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long time!

Shiny Dancing Girls

After tons of sexy pictures on the air mattress in every pose known to humanity, I had a great idea! Let's have the girls dance in the family room (to get them off of that air mattress for a bit and see some full-length shiny legs and ass) and take pics and video, of course! If you know me, I can never have enough, so I had them dance again. Only this time, on the slippery air mattress. At the time, I had no idea of multi-cam shooting and editing. But now, I do. Thankfully we did both versions of them dancing to the same song. So now, with this remastered set, you get multiple versions of the dance. The family room dance, the air mattress dance, and the multi-cam edit, with and without effects. (4 versions)

Looking back, to be able to see Cass dancing and moving her body sexily on video is a super rare treat. So this one is like "WOW! Lucky to have seen this—I am." (insert china-man-phil voice) Also, It was probably better that we turned the lights down for the dancing parts. Otherwise, the girls might have seen the tree trunks in our jeans! Haha! And, their performances would have been less with more light.

Baby Oil Marathon Data Center

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