The desire to remaster this gem-filled photo set has plagued me for years. The original release was just plopped up on my site by my then-staff. My Dad had always told me, well, son, if you want something done right, you must do it yourself. And boy, was he right!
Polishing Pictures?
The other night, I dove head-first into my hard drive. After two days and nights in Lightroom and Photoshop, I finally dusted off the entire photo set. There were fourteen five-star shots, which I added extra polish to. Now they are 5-star gems. It is exciting to finally share this remastered, full-resolution, full-nude, black-and-white photo set of Teen Kasia with you!

Content Highlights
The late morning window light was instrumental in creating these artistic black-and-white photographs. All I did was pose the petite blonde and snap pictures. I once read that photography can be defined as "art with light." Or something like that. Anyway, there would be no highlights without the window light.
So, the highlights. This release includes the ninety-one originally shot full-resolution photos and fourteen "5 Star Edits." You get one hundred and five beautiful black-and-white pictures of the amazing Teen Kasia!
- Kasia exhibits many sensual facial expressions throughout the entire set.
- Several stunning, slightly silhouetted profile shots show Kasia's nubile facial features.
- Tons of super sexy full-body shots where the shadows and lack of color show off Kasia's naked body and its enchanting curves.
- A favorite of mine, I also took pictures showing the bottom of Kasia's feet. Her wrinkled foot soles and little toes are lovely to look at.
- The air conditioning helped create several intimate shots of Kasia's little blonde fuzzies standing on end. Her arms, her thighs, and most notably, her lower back, right in between those butt dimples. Oh my!

The Nude Shoot
Kasia was standing in my family room butt-ass naked at 10:53 AM. I was messing with my camera, taking a few test shots, and forgot to switch to monochrome (black and white). So, I have three original pics that were shot in color. And here they are, full-resolution &mdash and free.

The Shoot (continued)
It was a warm and humid day, and my wife set the thermostat to 74 degrees. Needless to say, the air conditioner was running non-stop, and it was cold as fuck in the house. I remember a cute and funny thing that Kasia had said when I posed her close to a sun-filled window. Her Polish accent made it especially cute.

Ooh! It's warm here!